I have witnessed transformations in their self-confidence after facing the challenge of soaring. One of the major focuses of recreation therapy is to bring our blind veterans out of isolation and “back into the world” by enhancing and promoting social interaction. Another enhancement the Soaring Academy program provides is the chance for our veterans to meet and socialize with veterans from other VA hospitals during the BBQ time. Hearing the veterans share their experiences and express resurrected feelings of control and witnessing their bravery is thrilling. Our veterans are fully aware of the support offered by the general public. Members of the local community bake desserts for these events. The veterans also appreciate that this is an educational opportunity as they learn about the aircraft, aerodynamics and the thrill of soaring. Back at the VA hospital our instructors report that the spark received during the soaring experience ignites something in the veteran that they retain and carry forward through the remainder of their rehabilitation program and back home.
Veterans are affected in ways that are more profound than initially meets the eye. Thank you for your fine program.
Elizabeth Greco, M.A., RTC, CTRS
Recreation Therapist, Blind Rehabilitation Center
Long Beach Veterans Affairs Medical Center