A day late for All Hallows’ Eve, but feels good to say it sometimes anyway. Couldn’t help but know it was coming, with all the cringey stuff for sale this time of year.Then there’s the change of time by an hour; why do they always keep that such a secret? Anyway, this Sunday, November 4, be sure to show up for all appointments an hour late (just kidding), but if you’re someone who chronically arrives late already, make no adjustment at all. Got that? Otherwise you might begin to wonder if you’ve stumbled into a scene from Twilight Zone, or (ultimate horror) the Rapture… Tricky Treat.Soaring weather will be perfect by the way — for hanging out on the deck and comparing each other’s costumes.Oh, and one more little detail: the most crucial election of our lifetimes is coming up later this week, so if you care at all about the future of the world, go VOTE!