One of America's soaring patriarchs that called Crystal home is the late Irv Prue, who, along with two sailplanes of his design, is justly enshrined in the Soaring Museum Hall of Fame. Irv was also known for brashly claiming, "You can always find lift at Crystal." That's usually true of course, but... always? These days, nobody brags more than me about how great the soaring can be here, but... always? I had the honor of knowing Irv before he passed on to that big soaring site in the sky, and one time I challenged him about his boast. On that day of course there were fluffy cumulus everywhere, so with an ironic smile he challenged me to prove him wrong. I failed.The coming week I'll be wishing Irv were still with us, demonstrating precisely where to tow and how to fly, so I could prove him right again. Short of that, we can expect cool temps, light westerlies and lift of the character building variety. Bring a sense of humor plus your inner Prue if you've got one, and who knows what might happen?