This past week for us was all about the crazy weather, fires and fire fighting aircraft flying near our field. Hope you're all staying cool out there!We're still scheduling through e-mail request. If you have a Schedule Pointe account please check availability first (for Fri/Sat/Sun) then e-mail us your reservation request. Include your cell number. Do not schedule reservations yourself, until further notice.Please bring a mask and your own water with you to our field!After a month of cloudless WX, last week debuted our usual late summer 'monsoon' period. Classic thunderstorm activity brought rapid changes in wind and temperature, hot calm spells feeding big buildups and cold gust fronts from sudden downdrafts.The pattern has continued, and probably will through the coming week, monsoonish humidity (haze), and every afternoon the chance of a spectacular shower. Remember to say a prayer for fire season!Stay safe and healthy and wishing you good spirits,The Soaring Academy Crew