Murphy's law of weekend meteorology - in reverse.
For several weeks now our best soaring weather has come on Saturdays, yet various obscure factors have prevented members of the Crystal Squadron from meeting for their first group sortie of the season. Last Saturday Dave Raspet ventured north alone to Yerington, NV, a distance of something over 325 statute miles, and the longest single flight from Crystal since Mike Koerner's dinger to Colorado a month ago.Well once again we can expect ideal soaring weather for the weekend. On Thursday afternoon we weren't flying, but a few cumuli in the usual places indicated cloud base at 15,000 feet or higher (just imagine the cubic volume of rising air in the two vertical miles between those clouds and the hot, dry ground!). Friday is forecast to be hotter and higher, cloudbase around 17K if at all. Saturday, about the same. By Sunday this latest period of fantastic soaring conditions may be in decline - or maybe not...