Last Saturday, Karl Sommer and Sean Eckstein soared diamond distance to Gabbs, NV. Here's Sean's writeup of that flight:Saturday's flight was challenging, frustrating, and a blast.Leaving the San Gabriel's at 12k I didn't hit a bump until the Silver Queen which got me to the mountain range by Mojave, it took a few tries and a commitment to using Kelso landing strip, where if you land is a long retrieve, to get enough altitude to connect with the clouds deeper in the mountains.Once I connected with the clouds it was great flying until I crossed the Owens Valley to connect with the Inyos with more great clouds, I struggled and struggled and struggled just below those great clouds, then finally got on top. I flew all the way to Boundary Peak under the clouds with little sun light on the Whites where it got fairly cold at 17k. From Boundary I headed towards Mina/Gabbs where the sunlight warmed me up.I stopped once to circle at Mina which only gained me 200 feet then continued on glide to Gabbs, I had a small margin to make Gabbs airport but it was late in the day, the air was kind, and there were no surface winds. I also had Gabbs duster strip as an alternate with a good margin if needed.I was greeted at Gabbs by Karl (C3) who had landed earlier, and his crew Rose and Barry (01Q).