Here I go again

Here is Peter Kovaris report from Saturday July 6th, 357-mile flight to Fallon, NV:

After not flying my glider for almost one year (last flight 7/22/23), I gave it a try last Saturday First of all; many thanks to Chris for keeping open the operation for a few privates on a holiday weekend, and to Norm Robinson for towing on a record setting hot day.

It turned out to be a booming day, and despite my apprehension about the excessive heat (116F) but it all went well. However, I came to the conclusion that in the future I need to be drawing a personal red line at no more than 105F, as landing out in excessive heat could be life threatening.

Richard (TW) and I rigged the day before and tied our gliders down. I never done this before, but I think this worked out very well as we didn’t exert ourselves the day of flying. I think at least on hot days, I will do this again.

I launched just before noon and towed to the second ridge and released in good lift at 7000’. Quickly climbed to about 10000’ and moved to near Lewis and later to Baden Powel, under some building clouds climbing to 17.8K (my personal highest thermal climb over the San Gabriels), and nowhere near cloud base! This altitude got me pretty much over the valley with very little turning.

Arrived at Cache Peak at 8000’ However this reliable spot after a short search only produced marginal lift, but still, I did manage to climb to 11000’. Just north of Kelso Valley a good climb up to 15000’ sent me on my way to a rare treat; straight up on the Sierras with thermals up to 17999’ all the way to Bridgeport.

I continued northbound toward Sweetwater and later Minden as my alternates, but I continued to Dayton Valley airport. By now the conditions weakened (just like it was forecasted) and, although still at 10000’- the climb rates in the thermals dropped considerably.

I totally lost radio contact with crew at large Sean (PV) and we could only communicate by text. Since he was way behind and I already landed at Dayton Valley once, and had time, I crept toward the east to see if maybe I could make Silver Springs which did come into the green soon. Some more marginal climbs and lo behold I was able to make Tiger Field now, but been there done that.

So now fairly late in the afternoon, I slowly climbed one more time and had Fallon Municipal airport made. It sounded more inviting, a larger town with better choice of restaurants and a comfortable bed. I landed at Fallon uneventfully, then waited about an hour and a half for Sean to arrive. He did get there almost at dark.