SOARING FORECAST FOR SCSA (CRYSTALAIRE - 46CN) JUNE 11-14, 2010LAST WEEKENDAn inversion toyed with our high expectations for what looked like a remarkeable weekend of soaring. Temperatures were hovering around the 100° mark but the lifted ceiling capped off by the inversion kept most everyone in the local area. Despite the low lifted ceiling, one pilot did make a straight out to Victorville.THIS WEEKENDWe are coming out of a cooling trend and temperatures will jump higher this period. Saturday is forecast to be a remarkeable day. Sunday and Monday should follow suit and may be even better. Check out Dr. Jacks predictions below and come out and see if you can match them.Dr Jack's predictions indicate FRIDAY the ceiling of useable lift will be at 11,000 feet with 550 fpm of lift at the field.SATURDAYpredictions point to 650 FPM of lift at the field to 13,000 feet.Dr. Jack's Blipmaps and soaring predictions are free with a simple registration at his website. National Weather Service is predicting the following surface conditions for Saturday through Monday:FRIDAY:Sunny, Temperature: 81 degreesWind: Northwest 10 mph.SATURDAY:Sunny, Temperature: 80 degreesWind: Northwest 5 - 15 mph.SUNDAY:Sunny, Temperature: 86 degreesWind: Southwest 7 mph.MONDAY:Sunny and Hot Temperature: 97 degreesWind: Southwest 14 mph.SATURDAY'S THERMAL HEIGHT BLIPMAP
