A good tow pilot will bring you right to best lift, and the very good can even center thermals on tow. Still, if one or more sailplanes are already working a thermal, the tow should avoid their immediate airspace – not only for safety reasons, but also as a courtesy. Those pilots need room to maneuver in unpredictable directions. Also, some soaring pilots believe the violent action of a propeller can disrupt or even destroy thermals, somewhat like popping a bubble. Whether or not this is scientifically true, towing through (or under) other people’s thermals is generally frowned upon.Towing into traffic on a ridge requires similar planning and tact to accommodate ships already soaring there. They do have the right-of-way! If ever you see that you’re being towed too close to other sailplanes – or traffic of any kind – sooner is better than later for steering your tow pilot out of harm’s way.