Whenever you get the chance, take time to share your soaring discoveries.  Solicit others’ stories and commit to memory any informative details.  (Mistakes are often more educational than proud triumphs.)   Never settle for incomplete understanding.  Chew on your uncertainties and do the appropriate research until you come to satisfying conclusions.As neophytes rhapsodize about adventures new to them that for you have become commonplace, listen patiently.  Recall what it was like for yourself at that stage and draw comparisons for your own benefit as much as theirs.  Keep watch on beginners’ growth, ready to offer stern warnings, sound counsel, and vital encouragement.  We are all siblings.  Those of lesser experience or skill are younger sisters and brothers deserving thoughtful help and kind protection.  Be careful to not ‘talk down’ to them.  Rather, ask questions that lead them to greater curiosity and better results.And face it:  there will always be pilots superior to you.  Honor excellence by engaging them however you can and learning the secrets of their success.  It’s treasure for the taking.  Be gracious, but not bashful.  After all, the only stupid questions are those you fail to ask!

Soaring Is Learning