Weather Forecast Feb 5-8, 2010

WEATHER FORECAST FOR SCSA (CRYSTALAIRE - 46CN) FEBRUARY 5 THROUGH 8, 2010Friday looks to be an interesting day with winds aloft predicted to be 55 knots+ out of the south ahead of a large weather system aimed at the central and north coast. That's an indication of WAVE! The southern end of the system will only brush us and produce rain that will probably hit our San Gabriel mountains Friday night but it should be clear during the day. NOAA predictions locate a JETSTREAK (maximum jetstream speeds) and VORTMAX (maximum jetstream direction change) over our soaring area Friday which looks to produce sporty conditions.There will likely be rain in the mountains early Saturday but the front will be quickly pushed out to expected sunny soaring weather for Sunday and Monday.Dr. Jack's lift and height model predictions likely are unable to accurately resolve the weather this period but are included below. As the Sunday and Monday predictions come available, they will more closely reflect conditions expected.Dr Jack's predictions indicate FRIDAYS ceiling of useable lift at 6,500 feet with 250 fpm of lift at the field.SATURDAY, Dr. Jack predicts the ceiling of useable lift will be at 7,000 feet with 300 fpm of lift.SUNDAY, Dr. Jack predicts the ceiling of useable lift will be at 7,000 feet with 350 fpm of lift.Dr. Jack's Blipmaps and soaring predictions are free with a simple registration at his website. National Weather Service is predicting the following conditions for Friday through Monday:FRIDAY:Partly cloudy, Temperature: 55 degreesWind: South 10 to 13 mph.SATURDAY:Showers likely, Temperature: 54 degreesWind: Southwest 7 to 16mph.SUNDAY:Sunny, Temperature: 55 degreesWind: Northwest 13 mph.MONDAY:Sunny, Temperature: 57 degreesWind: South 6 mph.

