Never let anyone rush a takeoff! Unless you're launching with no assistance, be strapped in before the towline is attached. ALWAYS complete a FULL takeoff checklist!! Then, just prior to signaling for takeoff, pause and ask yourself what you've forgotten. Finally, when you‟re really ready to go, always push forward one more time on the airbrake handle to make triple sure it is locked.Even then, if there is any interruption or delay prior to takeoff, do the whole checklist again.Takeoff is the most hazardous part of any flight, so allow no distractions. If you realize that some major detail was missed before launch, abort at a safe altitude and start over. Dismiss minor issues related to convenience or comfort until you have climbed above landing pattern height. At that point, if you fall out of tow position while fiddling with something that should have done beforehand, at least you'll be high enough to release and fly a normal landing pattern.And ALWAYS LOOK both ways before releasing from tow!