Unless there's a bona fide sure thing waiting nearby, stay with your first opportunity to climb all the way to the top.   Later in a flight, with more information, you may elect to abandon thermals as they weaken, but betting big on the first hand – or in weak conditions – could put you out of the game for the whole day.   Similarly, if the altitude band of strongest lift is relatively low and you expect less lift ahead, it's wise to gain all the height you can before moving on.   Of course, the lower you are, the more conservative you should be as well.   And any time you‟re climbing away from a low save (even if it's 6:00 p.m.), treat such a climb with similar prudence, or it may be too little too late!Don't become mentally lazy during a thermal climb.   It's your opportunity to develop plans for the moment that climb ends.   Compare every possible option, including the negatives of each.   Don't just choose the first one you think of, choose the most advantageous.   Have an aggressive plan A and a conservative plan B (not the other way around).   Then, when the lift weakens or dies, be decisive.   MOVE!   Without such foresight you're apt to lose 500 feet or more before going anywhere, making those last few circles (or perhaps the entire thermal) a waste of precious time. 

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