WEATHER FORECAST FOR SCSA (CRYSTALAIRE - 46CN) FEBRUARY 26 THROUGH March 1, 2010Last Week provided several days of great soaring; Typical to our soaring area we experienced wave ahead of and following the successive weather fronts moving through with several opportunities to climb ridge lift up into the wave. It was clear and sunny here while Los Angeles was under gloomy weather.THIS PERIOD; will be similar to last week. A strong storm pulse will move onshore in central CA with the tail of the system brushing So Cal on Friday and Saturday bringing rain to Los Angeles coastal areas. It will likely be dry in our protected desert area. The system will be energized with the convergence of a strong jet stream trough of about 120 KTS (see jetstream graphic). An almost certain opportunity to fly wave on Friday with south winds ahead of the arrival of the system. Again expect wave conditions with the departure of the system Saturday to Sunday.Sunday and Monday Dr. Jacks predictions point to excellent thermal conditions for this time of year with sunny weather. It's good and getting better every week now as we enjoy the return of early season thermal activity.Dr Jack's predictions indicate SATURDAY the ceiling of useable lift will be at 9,000 feet with 500 fpm of lift.SUNDAY, Dr. Jack predicts the ceiling of useable lift will be at 8,500 feet with 500 fpm of lift.MONDAY, Dr. Jack predicts the ceiling of useable lift will be at 9,000 feet with 500 fpm of lift.Dr. Jack's Blipmaps and soaring predictions are free with a simple registration at his website. National Weather Service is predicting the following surface conditions for Friday through Monday:FRIDAY:Sun and Clouds, Temperature: 66 degreesWind: Southeast 10 mph becoming South 20 mph (WAVE!).SATURDAY:Sun and Clouds, Temperature: 55 degreesWind: Southwest 11 to 17 mph.SUNDAY:Sunny, Temperature: 61 degreesWind: Northwest 7 mph.MONDAY:Sunny, Temperature: 66 degreesWind: Southwest 6 mph.SATURDAY VERTICAL VELOCITY FORECASTSUNDAY VERTICAL VELOCITY FORECAST2-28 lifted valueJET STREAM FORECASTFRIDAYS SATELLITE IMAGE OF FRONTAL SYSTEM
